As winter drags on through month four it seemed like a good idea to reflect on how I prepped the top bar hive back in October. In the warmer fall weather it was easy to avoid tasks such as this one but experience and knowledge of Mother Nature;s tendencies prevented me from being lazy. I am glad I took the steps to insulate this hive because it has been a rough winter for this area. The other day we got 15 inches of snow and I am fortunate that I care about things at the right time. Maybe the honey bees would have or could have survived without this extra step and there is still one one more step to show you. this is just the placement of some poly insulation into the roof are of the home.
To complete the deal I also wrapped the vie in double layered roofing paper and sealed up the bottom board. An important point about this kind of hive that is built from scratch is to keep in mind amenities to add such as insulation during the construction phase. In this case it was helpful to use the nails holding the shingles in place to also hold the insulation tight. For reinforcement purpose I put on plenty of duct tape to sealed the deal. Now the question will be whether or not to remove the insulation in the spring. I don’t think I’ll remove because that will be one less task to do next fall. I will remove the roofing paper though.
Song of the Day – Beats Antique – The Approach – Video – A Thousand Faces – Act 1