Episode-265- Planting Season And Guide For Northern Virginia

2015 Planting Times The 2015 Growing season is off to a fine start even though there is 6 inches of snow outside and the snow is still falling. The secret to my 7th growing season will be the same as it has been for the previous six. Plan and Prepare. It is obvious to me now that there are just three essential pieces that form the foundation for a great growing season. Barring any Force Majeure...

Episode-235- Grow Your Own Green Onions And Chives

Follow along with the 2014 Planting Times To Do spreadsheet in Resources and you will note it is planting time and things will get quite busy. Next up are chives and green onions. My favorites! I love green onions and I especially like growing them at home because they are tastier and bigger than what can be bought in the store. Chives are perennial to some degree and propagate well while...

Episode-48- Sow Seeds In Soil Blocks To Save Time, Money And Back Pain

PERMACULTURE SERIES Song of the Day – The Who - Baba O'Riley - Live Video Show notes Subscribe Music - Blue Devil Plain Videos Sow Seeds In Soil Blocks To Save Time, Money And Back Pain Introduction To Soil Cubes  The Soil Cube Tool TSP EPISODE-831- SEED STARTING PRIMER FOR 2012  Make your oil soil cube Also search for how to make your own soil cube on YouTube  Episode-41- Early...


Edamame Man 9-30-11 As you can see we are still harvesting and today we feast on edamame Japanese style. However, this weekend's cold rains may have brought an early end to the summer harvests. Not to worry though as the fall gardening includes diakon radish, beets, spinach and endive. Check out more of the 2011 harvests at Picasa Videos Gardening Planting Times

Episode-2- Grow Green Onions and Chives

As mentioned in episode 1 the 2011 spring gardening has begun for me here in Northern VA. This is my third year as a producer of fruits and vegetables and one of the keys to my success has been All New Square Foot Gardening written by Mel Bartholomew  Mel is an engineer by training and his skills and experience have helped create a system for growing more food in less space. Mel travels the...