Episode-218- This Is What Hugelkultur Looks Like

“Gardening is the most therapeutic and defiant act you can do, especially in the inner city. Plus, you get strawberries.”     Ron Finley: A guerilla gardener in South Central LA Hugelkultur, Wood Core gardens, woody beds, hugel beds, whatever you wish to call it this is what it looks like but don't ask Sepp Holzer if that fits his definition. To get it to look this we start by removing...

Episode-215- Provide Water For The Honey Bees

             In today's episode I present four of the many ways in which water can be provided for honey bees. If you are a backyard beekeeper like me or wish to become one then a vital thing to consider is how to provide water for the bees. Sure, they could try to find it on their own and they will with possible consequences that may not be received well by the neighbors. Bees need water...

Episode-213- Backyard Japanese Beetle Battle – Part 3 – Grape Grapple Grinds Down

It's been a great summer but not a good one at all for colonies Bee and Cee. What has been able to work well as a result of planning, management and nature has exceeded expectations. Going back to the strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and elderberries to name a few the successes have been many. In the midst of the struggling colonies (Hive D is still doing extraordinarily well) there was...

Episode-210- What To Grow On A Quarter Acre

As summer comes to a close even a long close at that it's important to capture what's been growing this year because we're in full production. The lot is small and the total growing space is just about 1,200 square feet or a little less than a quarter acre. With a lot of reading, trial and error (lots of errors) and good old stubbornness we're on our way to getting the most out of the land and...

Episode-205- Backyard Japanese Beetle Battle – Part 1 – The Great Grape Grapple Grind

    Among the many plants I am growing in order to create a mini food forest in suburbia are grapes. I used to come across some plates of grape leaves as appetizers when I was a kid in certain settings but I can't remember eating any. They must be delicious though be cause the Japanese Beetle (Popillia Japonica) are devouring the leaves like there's no tomorrow. The video for today does not...

Episode-201- Protect My Plants From Slugs And Creepy Crawlies

I have received some questions about how to control slugs that eat plants and I have perfected my method over the last few season to maintain some modicum of control. We have had a lot of rain this spring and summer and slugs have not taken a break from trying to make a mess of things. I have already had several of my basil and hot pepper plants mauled to the brink and I do not want to go...

More Carpenter Bees Bouncing Back In The Bee Balm

Today's video captures More Carpenter Bees Bouncing Back In The Bee Balm. Xylocopa virginica The Eastern Carpenter Bee is alive and doing well in my back and front yards. There are lots of them around and they seem to be easily please with any of my many flowers. the honey bees...not so much. Although I do have plenty of them bringing out the cucumbers and squash quite successfully this year....