This episode is dedicated to my sister who said she watches these things. Not sure if she was just being nice but it gave me a good excuse to film all the productive gardens in mid June. There are a lot of things growing and ready for harvesting and this year’s gardening will be one to top the previous 4 seasons.
That’s right we’re on season 5 and have some nice things going on all around the house. Everything is grown on less than a quarter of an acre of land and although we never get enough we do get what we need. Just fried up some wonderful squash and finished them off with fresh picked blueberries. Sure it’s a lot of work and planning to get things just to this level but the strawberries alone have been worth the effort. Now that they are done we are picking raspberries, blueberries, squash, peas and basil. More to come later and the gardens are only just beginning to pop.
Rightfull so I give due credit to the ladies in the back of the yard who I like to think enjoy living there. We certainly have tried to make it comfortable for them. Enjoy and let me know what you think. Tony T.
- Episode-169- Grow More Plants For Food And Fun
- Episode-140- Landscape For A Home Sweet Home
- Episode-91- Plant Fruit And Vegetables From Nourse Farms Part 2
- Berries and Asparagus from
- Grapes, Kiwi and more from
- All others mostly grown from seed by