2 responses

  1. John
    June 30, 2011

    To answer your questions:
    1) This is bridge or brace or crosscomb. The bees don’t always like plastic comb and do this. Just scrape it off down to the plastic and maybe they will build it right the next time. Keep scraping it off until they get it right.
    2) Don’t add a queen excluder if you are using undrawn frames. Let them go up and start drawing out before/if you use a queen excluder. A band of honey on the top of the frames is a natural queen excluder.
    3) “Do I need another hive body beside the two honey supers I have now?” I don’t understand this question. Are you calling the 2 deep brood boxes honey supers or do you have 2 honey supers as well as the brood boxes? You will need honey supers next year, maybe this year.
    4) Your queen is doing great, solid pattern, no holes.
    I would suggest you stop feeding your bees, they have enough feed if they are capping it. Also move the undrawn frames in from the outside closer to the brood to get them drawn faster.
    Take off your gloves, you need to be stung at least once a month to build immunity. Yes it hurts but it is part of beekeeping.
    You don’t need to take out every frame when doing an inspection. Look for eggs to be sure you have a queen, see that there is enough room for her to lay and for storage of honey, tip the 2 brood box up and look for queen cells and keep an eye on the number of queen cups and close it up.


  2. Tony Teolis
    July 4, 2011


    thank you for your comments. I was also posting on the BeeSource forum and took some advice from there. On July 1 I removed the cell structure which was full of drone larvae. I brought the mess in the house for a closer view and sure enough it was an anomoly that did need correction. I scraped off the line of cells to the foundation with hope that workers will attempt to draw new comb.

    Question 3 referred to the two – 8 – frame deeps I have to support the colony. I was wondering if I needed a third before I added honey supers if I add them at all. I’ve determined I don’t need a third deep even though the hive is of the 8 frame model.

    I have beeswax coated crimped wire foundation for the honey supers. If I add them I may just add without the excluder as I don’t plan to harvest for myself this year.

    Gloves will be off the next time I check. Thanks for the motivation.


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