Episode-220- This Is What You Can Get From Hugelkultur – Asparagus

Permaculture Principle 7: Design from patterns to details Just from what I can remember here is a list of food that immediately comes to mind from the spring, summer and fall harvests of 2013. Just a quick note that annual refers to plants that grow and die in one season and perennials live for many […]

Episode-218- This Is What Hugelkultur Looks Like

“Gardening is the most therapeutic and defiant act you can do, especially in the inner city. Plus, you get strawberries.”     Ron Finley: A guerilla gardener in South Central LA Hugelkultur, Wood Core gardens, woody beds, hugel beds, whatever you wish to call it this is what it looks like but don’t ask Sepp Holzer […]

Episode-174- Make Swales With Hugelkultur To Grow Food And Green The Land

Today’s episode is a long time in making. More than a year ago I began to experiment with building swales and making hugel (woody) beds and now I am ready to show you How To Make Swales To Grow Food And Green The Land. This is hard work but the rewards are seen in the landscape […]

Episode-103- Lawn Care For Dead Patch With Hugelkultur Swales

This is how I repaired a long term dead patch of lawn with swales built hugelkulutr style. New Growth in just 3 weeks! This used to be an unsightly ugly dead patch of nothing. Everything green now used to be just plain old dead dirt. The right soil mix, the right seeds, hugelkultur and the […]

Episode-267- Inside The Hugel Keyhole Garden

This video show the hugel keyhole garden 5 months from its construction. A lot of effort went into the design and implementation but it is something that happens once. No tilling will ever be necessary as the contents of this garden are welcome call signs to the variety of life that now live inside. Worms […]

Episode-249- Food Forest And Permaculture Showcase Part 2/4

Here is part 2 of the food forest videos. This video shows how the swales that I built in the backyard have matured to the point where they now support hundreds of plants. That is no exageration and the goal is to have them eventually fill out with the fruti producing bsushes such as Juneberry, […]

Episode-248- Food Forest And Permaculture Showcase Part 1/4

I finally get a chance to share with you a view of the food forest I have envisioned growing. The backyard is a web of interconnected systems. It is not a forest yet as full production will take several more years. There are apple and peach tress that have to come online yet and the goji, […]

Episode-232- How To Pick The Best Blueberries Part 2

Here is part 2 of my blueberry harvest video from summer 2013. You can easily note how much I enjoy picking fresh blueberries from the garden. Get in on the fun and start making your own produce at home. NourseFarms.com in Massachusetts is ready for your order of blueberry plants, starwberries, elderberries, blackberries, raspberries and […]