6 Easy Flowers To Grow At Home

Columbine - A perennial to grow for more frequency Lupine - A tall perennial that many pollinators favor Asters - A great annual flower for honey bees Marigold - A wonderful plant that is colorful, keeps squirrels and pest away and has a nice odor. Johnny Jump Ups - An annual/short lived perennial that is s tricolor viola 4 O'Clocks - Because the bloom at 4PM.

Episode-236- 7 Essential Supplies For Spring Beekeping

2014 is my fourth beekeeping season. Right now the top bar hive seems like it will make it into spring no problem. However, getting them out of spring will be the challenge. It's been a long much too long winter and the bees will need to work hard in between the early rains to gather pollen, nectar, build and raise brood and support themselves. There will also be another colony of honey bees to...


The county I live in has eleven hundred thousand people. When I compare that to the less than hundred thousand county I came from with roughly the same size in area I think of vulnerability and what it means to live in such a populated area. It's nothing like living in Japan but it is more distant from what I prefer. Personal space becomes the sacrifice required when living in a more accessible...

Episode-235- Grow Your Own Green Onions And Chives

Follow along with the 2014 Planting Times To Do spreadsheet in Resources and you will note it is planting time and things will get quite busy. Next up are chives and green onions. My favorites! I love green onions and I especially like growing them at home because they are tastier and bigger than what can be bought in the store. Chives are perennial to some degree and propagate well while...